Sunday, August 24, 2008

Its been a while. The demons have settled down. School is about to start. I'm excited about that and a little nervous. I pray for patience because that is all that will get me thru. Been bringing the dogs out to the beach. They LOVE IT! My goal this week is to get the house fall cleaned. Have the week off and should be able to do it. Mostly my loft... weather is chilling out should be up there playing... haven't had the muse to do anything in so long... maybe a kick in the butt will help... we'll see... til then...

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Demons in my head...

...What a beautiful day today... so I'm outside all day and just can't seem to clear my head. So much going on - I try to be happy, yet deep in my heart I know it is all wrong. Teenagers all around me are getting pregnant. Lives are changing - Mistakes are being made - and there isn't a damn thing i can do to change it... so i sit back... observe... and know that soon I will be picking up all the broken pieces. YET with just one simple decision the mistake would never be made...guess i just don't get it!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Hi there. So this is my life. I have dogs, teens and Kevin... I'm new to this blogging stuff - but hey always willing to try something new! We had a wonderful weekend this past weekend...even thought there were some issues....(we went camping)

First i got "lost" on a 2 track about 11pm... yes EXTREMELY DARK OUT! Only I wasn't really lost - but the van totally died on me, and therefore I was stranded. I wasn't alone however, Amber was with me along with all 3 dogs... and of course - yup - Terrible Phone Service! So yea was able to finally let Kevin know I was stranded and he looked and looked and looked and finally at 3:30(am) received my text that said GO TO BED! uh, yea... never was found... but the truck received much damage...5:30 I was up and ready to find SOMEONE! and did - wasn't too far off - Duffus led us straight to Kevin - yes, he (Duffus) wanted to go fishing.

So Today (Wednesday) the van finally got fixed - good thing cuz the Jeep totally blew up...was told mini vans arn't made for 2-tracking...Like that will stop me! HA!!!

A few of my favorite things...

Amber & Nicole (back) me & Kevin (front) in the jeep on the way to the fireworks July 4th!
Hanging out getting ready for the fireworks
Godiva, Duffus and Weazle
2008 Relay for Life Committee
Chris, Barb, Lynn, Karl, Caylib, Eric, Sue, Larry(back row)
Serena and me (sitting down)